Common Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
The ability to fulfill a rush order is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The decision depends on work load and product availability at any given time. We try to accommodate rush order requests whenever possible. To initiate a rush order, contact your Global sales or customer support representative. If this is a first-time order, simply call the Global location nearest you and a representative will help you.
Customers are always welcome to prepay orders or work on a cash basis. However, Global also works with many customers on credit. A credit application must be submitted before Global will complete any work on a customer’s first order. For a complete copy of our Credit Policy or to initiate a credit application, contact a Global sales representative or customer support representative at the location nearest you.
Feel free to email us at or call our sales office in the USA at+1 (916) 917-6938. We will direct you to your local Global representative.
Generally Global delivers custom packaging solution anywhere from 5 days -16 weeks depending on the chosen print method from the point of artwork approval by the customer. Delivery of items that Global keeps in its warehouses is typically done in 1 week from the point of order.
Global customer support is located in Elk Grove, California. You may call our office Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm PST.
Film and Technical Packaging Questions
All of the packaging Global supplies are food safe materials/products. Official letters from Global demonstrating that our products are compliant with FDA and CFIA regulations are available upon request.
Global can extrude up to 11 layers.
Yes, both OTR and MVTR should always be considered when selecting packaging materials for specific products. For example, some products will become rancid or oxidize in the presence of oxygen. For these types of products, a high barrier packaging film should be selected. Global customer support representatives are always available to help guide the appropriate package choices to best protect your product.
Please provide the following information when requesting help in determining the best film structure for your product and application:
- Details of package content
- Anticipated shelf life (current shelf life and new goal if desired)
- Filling temperature
- Post filling heat treatment including temperature, time, and pressure
- Storage and shelf temperature (ambient, chilled, or frozen)
- Any required features (printing, easy peel, easy tear, zipper, etc.)
Exposure to extreme high and low temperatures during storage, shipping and general use, puncture resistance, aroma barrier, UV protection, and other factors all come into play when selecting an appropriate film structure to protect your product. Please contact Global for more information related to your specific product. Our experts can recommend the best structure based on your entire packaging/distribution process.